

GPS Online Vehicle Trucker
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NRE-104 is light terminal with GPS/GLONASS and GSM connectivity, which is able to get device coordinates and other data and transfer them via cellular network.

1. Design

2. Make

3. Product

1. Project details:

Branch: AVL, Telematics, Automotive

Technology: GPS, CAN, FMS, RS-485, GPRS, 1-wire, ARM

Tools: GCC, Altium Designer, Visual Basic

2. Customer need:

The most interesting features include support for CAN bus of many types of vehicles including trucks and engineering vehicles, USB and over air firmware upgrade, an innovative communication protocol with server.

State-of-art, low-cost, small size and reliable GPS trucker for transport and logistic sector. High tolerance to mechanical strokes and electromagnetic interferences. Architecture which will be able to easy extend functionality desired in future by the end-user. The device shall detect driver's manipulation and make abuse more difficult.

3. Solution:

Designed and developed complete firmware and hardware based on STM CortexM3. Equipped device with GPS (uBlox LEA6) and GSM (TC65i) module, accelerometer and a lot of interfaces which allow to read/send data from I/Os, CAN, RS-485, 1-wire, I2C, FMS, OBDII. Added support to plenty types of sensors like fuel-level, distance, rpm, temperature, driver identity, flow measurement etc. Implemented advanced algorithms for flash-memory data storage, fuel-level measurement, collision detection and eco-driving. Developed Visual Basic application which allows to configure and monitor NRE-101 devices via USB (COM) as well as over air (GPRS). Manufactured around 7,000 units in 4 years and provided after-sales service and maintenance.

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